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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2013 1:44am-2:14am PDT

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and you are available for comments >> a couple questions. good presentation guys. since you've turned it over to the america's cup people now if anything like damages come to that how has that been worked out that the shiners that's my first question. and my second question i think you said you could get it back for phase two and it would be ready to go august of next year? >> so your question about damage yes. the event authoritytomy 80 is responsible
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to returning that to us. and anything after that there could be no claims existing with possession. also the engineer to maintain the facilities like the escalators and the elevators their specifically to maintain the warranties of those systems. so like non-license repairs that would cut or so life systems shorter than they need to be >> what's the square footage on the sport bar? i have thought about that i think it is about 10 thousand
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that's my approximation. >> commissioner adams let me add to the completion of the facility. it appears that august is a good completion date and the next question is needs to be asked if you have the terminal done and you don't have the gang way what happens? the way the facilities in the ports of san francisco if there's a ship coming from a foreign country they get cleared from the ship and as their clear they come down from the ship and a pickup their baggage and leave. so we would have to ask borders protection to have the same method until we get our gang way
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set up >> the reason i'm asking that is, i have a lot of passion about this. we have about 2 hundred and 50 thousand passengers last year i'm thinking we need to have 3 million people to come. could it handle like 5 hundred thousand passengers is it built to do that? >> we have facilities to handle up to 42 hundred passengers on one ship. we have many days open that have
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many ships and we hope to sell that as event space >> i want to thank all of our staff it's a special thing we've been very proud of. but i have a question. you mentioned there's one item still in transition which is the sign age. it strikes me it would be part of the building was is that in the original plans of the building? >> it was in the original plans. we had the infrastructure for it the sign was daebl but we've elected to move it into phase one >> one addition to that the
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individual items how we were phase one or phase two at one point the heating systems could be moved from phase one to phase 2 but it was two expensive but that's how we've treated this process. >> i think where the escalator and elevator systems we can accomplish that in phase one. >> does that regard the sign in phase one or phase two? >> what happens if we disagree with the america's cups folk on the timing of putting our sicken up what recourse is there?
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>> the host agreement has in it a dispute resolution clause that has mediation through - there's a bind arbitration so it's very specifically donated what the avenue is to resolve this. >> it doesn't look like it's incomparable. >> how. other donors have given over $10,000? >> i believe there are 2. >> thank you.
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there any public comment? >> good afternoon tom with liveable city. i'm tempted to comment on the boats booking the signs. when the decision was made to locate the crews ship terminal here - let me go back. the two spaces are supposed to be left open on the other side on the end of the pier was supposed to be an open space but
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unfortunately, to put the cruise ship here means that public open space at the end of the pier won't be assessable when a boat comes in. the port now owes more open space. i'm on the committees to figure out where we could create an open space because that open space will be lost when the crews ships are in the terminal. just behind this building here we're going we're hoping this process will be allowed to go forward and that will be the decision-making process and a lot of decision making people
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will be involved. we need to keep this cruise ship terminal here but make up that lost open space here. that's the venue at least the group that will ultimately recommend to you what the open space plan should look like and keep everything in balance. the port has had a an obligation to go ahead with this because you're on a short timeline because of the america's cup. just balance out the whole proposal. so when we come to that next proposal i think one of the great places to put that open space is behind this building. thank you
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>> any further public comment? seeing none call the next item >> the fair activation proposal by the partners. >> good afternoon, commissioners dan of the ports planning division. this is the open area on the ferry side of the plaza. the ports that supports this ear is within long term leasehold which runs until 2016.
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other permitted uses on the plaza includes the service for the ferry tenants, value drop off for the limited partnership building this is located at the far end of the east plaza, emergency and service event assess use. we're having a pilot plan to conduct various events and to - in doing so they would observe user partners and observe the loading services and provide parking in the plaza. the com plates those issues and
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g n p will propose this in a minute. a copy should be at your desk. we're pleased this is going to be improved as e o p will meet with committeess and business stakeholders and b cdc the big conservatism development commission. all this would be done prior to the meeting of the commission. jan conor's with the equity partners - >> i'll just take a second to -
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. manny i might need your help here. okay. yeah. manny sorry.
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good afternoon everyone i'm jan conor's i'm the? proposed manager for the ferry building. first, i want to thank the port and shareholders. i want to remind people not only are we responsible for the ferry building i just want to you, you know, we're stewards of the ferry building. we're also responsible for the ferry plaza so from the market driveway and the globulin gate area we're responsible for for the repair issues. so as we know today, the
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ferryplasia is visited by 25 hundred people a day. as you can tell we have a great local shoppers of today and tomorrow here. it's a deliver zone. it's a serve area forgotten gate ferries. and, of course, ferry building delivers. we receive upwards of 2 hundred and 50 delivers today. the mission of our activation plan is to create a multi transportation place and as we researched and ponder designs we
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saw some terrible examples. this is our example here pioneer square and the parkway. while researching those public places we studied how people and design work in great urban places. those photos here in the last few years was given back to the public and the addition have been the addition of moveable furniture. and moveable folding chairs were placed randomly. so how do we get the priority typing. we're proposing 18 most and
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during our delivery phase we'll see how people are using this space. so as i said the ferry plaza is beloved and used by 20th century hundred people but who other critic projects can we do. so we're proposing movie nights tan go dancing. ice cream socials and harvest projects. during this phase we're talking about adding better lighting, fry y - our operating exception
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to a separate the programs during the contradiction phase and refine the permit process and define up front the program requirement. monitoring and progress are key we're going to have online surveys. we also want to come the core relaying of the barricades that will define our areas so we can better manage all the areas. we're going to have 64 park spaces and it would be operated
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monday through friday and there are p will be revenue from the parking would under write costs of the improvement. and these are some of the site plans that are set up. with that we'd like to open up the meeting for any discussion or questions. we welcome our commitment and feedback. thank you >> any public comment? that i i have dave. >> good afternoon. i'm the exclusive director of quasi we're the operators of the farmer's market that brings the 25 thousand people on saturdays. we love the way we can activate
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of space by we'd love to say a encounter use of the space when we're not using it. so we fully support this proposal because we believe that would be to the benefit of everyone who operates from this site to have those additional nights like movies and dancing would simply add to the attractiveness of the site. we'll love to see other improvements that would benefit our operation such as better lighting so people can take moveable tables and chairs so guests have those opportunities to linger on our site.
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and we believe that a managerable parking program will support the businesses on the other dies of the week. and to generate the other revenue and we fully endorse this activity >> next speaker. >> good afternoon commissioners tom exclusive demeanor of living city. i was on the sales tax committee and we put a lot of money towards budget transportation projects in san francisco. i see that i think incredible strongly that this plaza should
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be an open space. you've got a train running underneath us right now. we built the water front street car we're expanding ferry operations out here. it's a transit rich place probably in the entire continent. if there was an activation project we've been all for it it should be an open space. unfortunately we've got a parking proposal. every week day it will be parking for 12 hours so when it's not programmed the default
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is parking. let's take a space not dedicated to parking and turn it into a parking lot that will generate thousands and thousands of trips so people walking and cycling will having have all those cars and it will be less safe. it's not in keeping with any of your plans. i've included some policy plans there i was hoping the staff would have policy. it's a lost opportunity. it should really, really be a great open space. we've consistently supported both parks funds and supported the parks fund.
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let's plan a world-class space it would draw so many more people f to the ferry building. can you imagine that? it's an incredible opportunity. no city would do this with this many advantages. let's have this discussion. granted this is not what it should be. but let's do it in a way that's keeping with the city's ports plans. thank you >> any public comment? >> hello my name is bobby winning son i own the newspapers
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that you mentioned earlier. i own a store here in the believe we sell the ferry tickets. i'm authenticly in favor of what jan is proposing. we've very lucky to have jan at the ferry building. it's long overdue i share with tom, i admire a lot. it's ashamed full it's as crude as it is. the doorstop to san francisco. but that's a long woo to $1 million. i've been trying to gal in his the court for tom's vision.
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jan's talking about an important step. now parking is an - we need some sanity regarding the traffic that's out there right now. it's a good plan an overdue plan. really overdue. i look forward to getting this plan approved. >> any further public comment? seeing none >> first of all, this does require imply action this is an inform presentation. i'll love to have the
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commissioners all here we need to have a discussion. i appreciate the presentation and the appreciate the democracy for and against but i appreciate a little bit more what the commissioners have to say. i think there's a lot more questions that need to be answered and i think we need to have more information to the staff fooernl it. i welcome both sides. >> i concur with the commissioners remarks. i want to see this area - used
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for this area. it's long overdue but there are issues i want to explore. i'm concerned with the legal obligations to the policies that were raised that could come back to us in a future meeting. i'm looking forward to getting this further utilization for that and thank you for all the work >> item a supplemental appropriation for the first one
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issuance of the general obligation bond. >> good afternoon. just one second while i pull up my power point. okay. as the commissioners are well aware in november of 2012 san francisco voters